Software Engineer at Cyderes.
Master of Science in Computer Science, Software Development. My interests include front-end web development, back-end development and programming languages.
I like to build for the web with React, Next, Express, and Node.
I'm interested in TypeScript, Rust and Go.
Front-end Projects
Caleb Rodewald portfolio
A React single page application that describes and displays graphic design projects by Caleb Rodewald.
Markdown Previewer
React app that uses the Marked library to parse markdown and display the result.
Leadership Quote Generator
Randomly selects and displays a leadership quote from an author. The user then has the option to tweet the quote.
Back-end Projects
URL Shortener Service
An Express app that generates, saves and returns a short url when a long url is entered. When the short url is used, the app searches the database and redirects the request to the long url if it is found in the database.
Request Header Parser Service
An express app that parses the header of a request and returns a JSON object with the IP address, language and operating system of the requester.